Main Street Studies

Retail/Residential Market Analysis and Business Recruitment Training

Fort Pierce, Florida

FortPierceIn an effort to establish a firm base for a comprehensive business development and marketing program, the City of Fort Pierce and the Fort Pierce Community Redevelopment Agency contracted with Marketek to complete a market analysis and recruitment strategy. The scope of this assignment was ambitious, including a retail/office/service market assessment as well as a detailed revitalization strategy, business recruitment training, development of a recruitment package and a marketing plan.

Within 18 months, downtown Fort Pierce had attracted dozens of new businesses including restaurants and cafes, galleries and studios, antiques and several law offices.

National Main Street and Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC)

NMSIAs part of a national economic impact study, National Main Street selected six neighborhood business districts (NBDs) in the cities of Providence, Philadelphia, Richmond, Lansing, Tacoma and Oakland to participate in the Neighborhood Main Street Initiative (NMSI) demonstration project. This initiative represented a collaboration between LISC and the National Main Street Center and was designed to encourage the economic redevelopment of the six participating NBDs. LISC contracted with Marketek to conduct an economic impact study of the Initiative on a site-by-site basis to contribute to the overall purpose and success of the NMSI demonstration project.

Over the course of three years, Marketek conducted an assessment of the economic changes that had occurred in the NBDs as a direct or indirect result of the NMSI and developed economic criteria and benchmarks to be used in replicating the Main Street model in other NBDs throughout the nation.