Affordable Housing and Fair Housing Research
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing for the Cities of Gainesville, Savannah and Rome, Georgia and Dothan, Alabama, 2009 – 2013
Community Development Departments for the Cities of Gainesville, Savannah and Rome, Georgia and Dothan, Alabama
Marketek assessed access to fair housing for minorities and protected classes (race, ethnicity, gender and family and disability status). These studies included analyses of local need for affordable housing, geographic distribution of protected class populations, perceptions of fair housing issues, housing marketing and mortgage loan approval rates. Marketek then recommended methods to improve fair access to housing.
Housing Market Analysis and Needs Assessment, Rome, Georgia, 2008
City of Rome Community Development Department
Marketek analyzed demographic trends, housing affordability, and supply/demand to determine residential development potential (market-rate and affordable) by unit type and price for Rome, Georgia. We compared the geographic distribution of employment with the supply of vacant and developable land (as well as underutilized and redevelopable land) to recommend potential locations for future housing.

Payment Standards for the Housing Choice Voucher Program, Atlanta, Georgia, 2007 and 2009
Atlanta Housing Authority
Marketek delineated seven rental housing submarkets in the City of Atlanta and prepared neighborhood and rental market profiles of each. Profiles included demographic trends, community indicators, average rents, vacancy rates and anticipated rental housing demand by income level. We also recommended housing authority payment standards for each submarket.